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  Allgemeines, Lexika (65 Artikel)

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Playing Simplicity (1 Angebot) 
Polemical stupidity - a critical concept drawn from Bakhtin - denotes the strategic refusal to understand. It appears most familiarly in the character of the Fool (like Candide), who genuinely does...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 85,55*
pro Stück
Queneau's Fictional Worlds (1 Angebot) 
Queneau's novels are extremely popular for their wit and linguistic ingenuity but they also pose a serious challenge to the reader's reconstruction of the fictional world, which can often go unreco...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 76,36*
pro Stück
Alexander von Humboldt y la actualidad de su pensamiento en torno a la naturaleza- Alexander von Humboldt und die Gültigkeit seiner Ansichten der Natur (1 Angebot) 
¿Cuál es la actualidad del pensamiento humboldtiano? Destacados investigadores de Europa y América han contestado a esta pregunta en el Simposio «Alexander von Humboldt y la actualidad de su pensam...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 96,09*
pro Stück
Minjung and Process (1 Angebot) 
This book reconstructs the legacy of Korean minjung theology by reformulating its essential ideas in a dialogue with process thought. In a minimal sense, this study is a theological reinterpretatio...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 77,64*
pro Stück
Kontraste in der Medizin (1 Angebot) 
Die Medizin ist geprägt von Kontrasten und dialektischen Beziehungen: Spiritualität in der Spitzenmedizin, Heilen im Spannungsfeld von Kultur und Technologie, Medizin zwischen Liberalismus und Mens...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 94,77*
pro Stück
A Critical Study on T. F. Torrance's Theology of Incarnation (1 Angebot) 
This book analyses T. F. Torrance's theology of incarnation. His theology is built upon several crucial presuppositions. This book examines these presuppositions and their role within the framework...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 100,00*
pro Stück
Die Vereinten Nationen sechs Jahrzehnte nach ihrer Gründung (1 Angebot) 
Am 24. Oktober 1945 trat die Charta der Vereinten Nationen in Kraft. Die damals auf dem Hintergrund der Leiderfahrungen des Zweiten Weltkrieges festgeschriebenen Ziele haben auch heute in einer Zei...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 72,36*
pro Stück
Defined by a Hollow (1 Angebot) 
This volume incorporates Darko Suvin's thinking on utopian horizons in fiction and on eutopian and dystopian readings of historical reality since the 1970s. While the focus is on the United States ...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 78,95*
pro Stück
Semantik und Ontologie (1 Angebot) 
Gianluigi Segalerba, 1967 in Genua geboren, schloss 1991 nach einem einjährigen Aufenthalt an der Universität Tübingen sein Studium an der Universität Pisa ab. 1998 promovierte er an der Universitä...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 136,91*
pro Stück
Anglo-American Idealism (1 Angebot) 
This volume is devoted to a critical discussion and re-appraisal of the work of Anglo-American Idealists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Idealism was the dominant philosophy in Britain a...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 90,86*
pro Stück
Reading Lezama's «Paradiso» (1 Angebot) 
This book focuses on the novel Paradiso of Cuban author José Lezama Lima (1910-1976), and in particular on the protagonist José Cemí. It examines the development of Cemí according to the three dist...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 73,68*
pro Stück
Musil anders (1 Angebot) 
In welchem Sinne bestimmt und bedingt es die Lektüre, wenn man Robert Musil als Philosoph, als Natur- oder Kulturwissenschaftler, vielleicht sogar als Linguist, oder doch vorrangig als Schriftstell...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 123,77*
pro Stück
The Eschatological Implications of Isa 65 and 66 as the Conclusion of the Book of Isaiah (1 Angebot) 
What can one say about eschatology in the Old Testament? For a number of scholars there is no eschatology in the Old Testament and for many others eschatology only occurs at the fringes of that sec...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 126,41*
pro Stück
Cruzando límites (1 Angebot) 
En su «Carta a un amigo japonés», Derrida afirma que «la cuestión de la deconstrucción es también, de cabo a cabo, la cuestión de la traducción». El presente libro examina la compleja relación entr...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 96,09*
pro Stück
An der Schwelle zum eigenen Leben (1 Angebot) 
Auf der neonatalen Intensivstation am Universitätsspital Zürich müssen tagtäglich für Kinder Lebensentscheide getroffen werden. Einerseits können heute dank der modernen Intensivmedizin viele Kinde...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 60,55*
pro Stück
Mount Athos the Sacred Bridge (1 Angebot) 
Most of the papers included in this volume were first presented at a conference convened by the Friends of Mount Athos at Madingley Hall, Cambridge, in 2003. Mount Athos is the principal surviving ...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 75,05*
pro Stück
Le monstre (1 Angebot) 
Au croisement de l'épistémologie et de l'esthétique, cette enquête révèle la pluralité du monstre. Parler du monstre, en effet, cela signifie toujours parler d'autre chose : de la nature et de ses ...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 52,91*
pro Stück
Philosophy of Picture (1 Angebot) 
If it is true that a painting can 'think visually', then it is also true that Diderot was the first to say so - and he has spelled out this concept better than anyone else. Diderot's Salons show th...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 92,68*
pro Stück
Essays on Values and Practical Rationality (1 Angebot) 
The essays presented here are the outcome of research carried out by members of IFILNOVA (Institute for Philosophy of New University of Lisbon) in 2016. The IFILNOVA Permanent Seminar seeks to show...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 101,64*
pro Stück
Out of Time (1 Angebot) 
Doctor Who is one of television's most enduring and ubiquitously popular series. This study contends that the success of the show lies in its ability, over more than half a century, to develop its ...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 41,36*
pro Stück
The Philosophy of Edith Stein (1 Angebot) 
Many interested reader will have put aside a work by Edith Stein due to its seeming inaccessibility, with the awareness that there was something important there for a future occasion. This collecti...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 67,18*
pro Stück
The Church as Hermeneutical Community and the Place of Embodied Faith in Joseph Ratzinger and Lewis S. Mudge (1 Angebot) 
This book adds new impetus to ecumenical theology by focusing on embodied faith or the contextual interpretation of Revelation. It does so through an exploration of the insights of Lewis S. Mudge a...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 106,05*
pro Stück
Wittgenstein on Thinking, Learning and Teaching (1 Angebot) 
Wittgenstein is not generally thought of as a philosopher of education, yet his views on how we think, learn and teach have the potential to contribute significantly to our contemporary understandi...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 67,18*
pro Stück
Women, Cosmopolitanism and Islamic Education (1 Angebot) 
Nuraan Davids is a lecturer in the Department of Education Policy Studies within the Faculty of Education at Stellenbosch University. She holds a doctorate in the philosophy of education. Her inter...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 68,45*
pro Stück
Nietzsche and Dostoevsky (1 Angebot) 
Paolo Stellino is a postdoctoral fellow at the Nova Institute of Philosophy (IFILNOVA), New University of Lisbon. He is a member of the Nietzsche International Lab (NIL). His publications mainly fo...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 84,05*
pro Stück
Les médias immersifs informatisés (1 Angebot) 
Cette étude alliant l'épistémologie du vieux continent à la pragmatique américaine présente une vaste synthèse des recherches et des solutions industrielles dans l'ensemble des médias informatisés....
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 89,32*
pro Stück
The Knowledge of the First Principles in Saint Thomas Aquinas (1 Angebot) 
Mary Christine Ugobi-Onyemere, IHM, has an enquiring mind and loves to share wisdom . She graduated excellently with a licentiate degree in Metaphysics and Science from the Pontifical University of...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 115,05*
pro Stück
Judaïsme et christianisme dans les commentaires patristiques de la Genèse (1 Angebot) 
Marie-Anne Vannier est Professeur à l'Université de Lorraine et membre de l'IUF. Au bénéfice d'une double formation en philosophie et en théologie, elle est directrice de l'Equipe de recherche sur ...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 66,95*
pro Stück
Camus et l'antiquité (1 Angebot) 
Camus écrit dans ses Carnets : « Nous devons à l'antiquité le peu que nous valons. » En se référant aux vastes lectures et aux nombreux commentaires d'Albert Camus sur les oeuvres philosophiques et...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 82,27*
pro Stück
Philosophical Perspectives on the Self (1 Angebot) 
João Fonseca is a Post-Doc researcher at New University of Lisbon. His main research interest is philosophy of neuroscience. His area of competence is philosophy of neuroscience with particular int...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 104,68*
pro Stück
L'art de gouverner : questions éthiques et politiques (1 Angebot) 
Adrien Louis est doctorant à l'Université Paris-Est Créteil, où il achève une thèse sur Leo Strauss. Il s'intéresse également à la philosophie politique ancienne et à son legs dans la philosophie m...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 71,68*
pro Stück
Modalités et Temps (1 Angebot) 
L'interaction des notions modales et temporelles dans un cadre formel constitue un champ difficile à aborder sans connaissance préliminaire des outils manipulant les mondes possibles. Cet ouvrage c...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 79,91*
pro Stück
Morphology (1 Angebot) 
Maria Filomena Molder is Full Professor of Philosophy at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Diana Soeiro is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Philosophy at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Nuno Fonseca is a ...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 106,59*
pro Stück
Wissen als Gut (1 Angebot) 
Rainer Kamber studierte an der Universität Basel Philosophie, Soziologie und Geschichte. Er erlangte 1999 das Lizentiat an der Philosophisch-Historischen Fakultät der Universität Basel und daselbst...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 81,59*
pro Stück
L'interdisciplinarité racontée (1 Angebot) 
Appartenir à une discipline, lorsqu'elle est envisagée comme une forme particulière de culture, c'est adhérer à des valeurs épistémologiques communes. Ces valeurs unissent les spécialistes dans leu...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 82,27*
pro Stück
Was Ist Leben? (1 Angebot) 
Piet Van Spijk, geboren 1956 in Aarau (Schweiz), studierte in Bern und Lausanne Medizin. Er arbeitete während knapp zwanzig Jahren als niedergelassener Internist und leitet seit 2008 in Luzern eine...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 96,95*
pro Stück
Que sommes-nous aujourd'hui ? (1 Angebot) 
Le sujet est-il vraiment en train de disparaître, par dissolution, fragmentation, oubli ? D'aucuns s'en alarment. Mais de quel sujet exactement parle-t-on ? Comment son éventuelle disparition est-e...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 92,86*
pro Stück
Tolerance (1 Angebot) 
Fabrizio Lomonaco is Professor of History of Philosophy at the University of Naples «Federico II». As a member of the editorial boards, he is involved with following journals: «Archivio di storia d...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 88,18*
pro Stück
Enjeu cartésien et philosophies du corps (1 Angebot) 
Paolo Gomarasca est chercheur en Philosophie Morale à l'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore de Milan (Italie), où il enseigne l'Anthropologie philosophique. Ses recherches et ses publications (ita...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 49,32*
pro Stück
Ethik gegen Machtpolitik (1 Angebot) 
Peter Streit studierte über den zweiten Bildungsweg zuerst Mathematik, Geografie und Nationalökonomie an der Universität Bern und beendete sein Studium mit dem Lizentiat. Anschliessend arbeitete er...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 68,45*
pro Stück
AutoBioPhagies (1 Angebot) 
May Chehab (Université de Chypre) étudie la rémanence de la philosophie présocratique et l'interaction entre sciences, lettres et philosophie ( , 2009). Apostolos Lampropoulos (Université de Chypre...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 65,82*
pro Stück
Über Gemütsregungen (1 Angebot) 
Carlo Calanchini studierte Humanmedizin in Basel und Philosophie in Fribourg und Bern. Er ist Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Er arbeitet als Psychiater und Psychotherapeut sowie als f...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 63,14*
pro Stück
Duration, Temporality, Self (1 Angebot) 
What is the nature of time? This new study engages with the philosophy of Henri Bergson on time and proposes a new way of thinking about the effects of future events on the past. According to Bergs...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 60,55*
pro Stück
Translation and Philosophy (1 Angebot) 
To what extent is philosophy reliant on translation and how does this practice impact on philosophy itself? How should philosophical texts be translated? Is translation inherently philosophical? Ca...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 48,64*
pro Stück
The Primordial Dance (1 Angebot) 
This book argues that a silent axis of the unconscious world rests largely undiscovered. It recasts foundational concepts in the psychology of Freud, Jung, Carol Gilligan and R.D. Laing, as well as...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 81,59*
pro Stück
Dialectic and Paradox (1 Angebot) 
Ian Cooper is Lecturer in German at the University of Kent, England. He is the author of numerous publications on modern German and English literature and intellectual history. Bernhard F. Malkmus ...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 72,36*
pro Stück
The History of the History of Mathematics (1 Angebot) 
The writing of mathematical histories has a long history, one which has seldom received scholarly attention. Mathematical history, and mathematical biography, raise distinctive issues of method and...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 48,64*
pro Stück
Perception, action et normativité (1 Angebot) 
Matteo Negro est professeur associé de Philosophie théorétique à l'Université de Catane (Italie). Il a obtenu le PhD en philosophie auprès de l'Université de Fribourg (Suisse) en 1993 et s'est spéc...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 37,59*
pro Stück
Aristotle's Powers and Responsibility for Nature (1 Angebot) 
This book addresses the theme of what «nature» is and humans' obligations toward the natural world. It demonstrates that an approach based in metaphysics can help us to understand better what natur...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 80,32*
pro Stück
Gadamer and the Limits of the Modern Techno-Scientific Civilization (1 Angebot) 
This book is an attempt to provide a systematic interpretation of Hans-Georg Gadamer's hermeneutics in light of one of the most important, interesting and debated questions of the present age: the ...
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
€ 77,64*
pro Stück
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