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Anmelden / Registrieren

Analysis and Optimization of Systems

Menge:  Stück  
     Springer Verlag
Mathematikbücher - englischsprachig
mathematikbücher - englischsprachig
Covariance equivalent forms and evolutionary spectra for nonstationary random processes.- A general class of estimators for the wigner-ville spectrum of non-stationary processes.- Bayesian estimation of a spectrum of a nonstationary autoregressive process.- Interpretation of the robust stability conditions appearing in adaptive control.- Global adaptive stabilization in the absence of information on the sign of the high frequency gain.- An adaptive control for globally stabilizing linear systems with unknown high-frequency gains.- The stabilization of single input uncertain linear systems via linear control.- Optimisation et acheminement dynamique dans les reseaux telephoniques.- Un feedback global pour la planification du parc de production electrique francais.- Optimal operation of thermal systems with start-up costs.- Identification of combustion losses and air flow control in power plants burning inhomogeneous fuels.- Detection of abrupt changes in signals and dynamical systems : Some statistical aspects.- Performance comparison of two segmentation algorithms using growing reference windows.- Adaptive forgetting in recursive identification through multiple models.- Description d'un detecteur sequentiel de changements brusques de dynamiques des modeles arma.- Detection des evolutions d'un mobile et estimation de sa cinematique par une methode de tests d'hypotheses.- Nonlinear unity-feedback systems and Q-parametrization.- Decentralized stabilization of large-scale interconnected systems.- Definition d'une methodologie de conception assistee d'asservissements non lineaires continus par l'utilisation de techniques d'agregation par normes vectorielles.- On the stabilization of power systems with a reduced number of controls.- Stability of interconnected systems having slope-bounded nonlinearities.- On symmetric extraction polynomial matrix spectal factorization.- Infinite zero module and infinite pole module.- On linear systems and partial realizations.- Poursuite de modele a entree bornee.- Optimal control for linear systems with retarded state and observation and quadratic cost.- On the finite element approximation of the boundary control for two-phase stefan problems.- Spectrally canonical distributed parameter systems.- Boundary feedback stabilization of a parabolic equation.- Impedance d'un four a induction : definition, theorie et calcul.- Optimal actuator location in a diffusion process.- Performance evaluation of models, identified by the least squares method.- The weak stochastic realization problem for discrete-time counting processes.- Linear statistical models and stochastic realization theory.- Simultaneous detection and estimation for diffusion process signals.- Heavy viable trajectories of a decentralized allocation mechanism.- Averaging et controle optimal deterministe.- The maximum principle for a differential inclusion problem.- An example of optimal control of a system with discontinuous state.- Non linear control of variable structure systems.- Approximations of the nonlinear filter by periodic sampling and quantization.- Markov jump-diffusion models and decision-making-free filtering.- Nonlinear filtering for markov processes: An L2 approach.
Weitere Informationen:
A. Bensoussan; J. L. Lions
Springer Berlin
Weitere Suchbegriffe: STATISTICA; algorithms; Optimal Control; system, Analysis, STATISTICA, Systems, algorithms, optimal control, optimization, system
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