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Computer Science Logic

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     Springer Verlag
Allgemeine Informatikbücher
Bücher für Datenbanken - englischsp...
Datenbanken (Fachbücher)
Invited Presentations.- Functorial Boxes in String Diagrams.- Some Results on a Game-Semantic Approach to Verifying Finitely-Presentable Infinite Structures (Extended Abstract).- Automata and Logics for Words and Trees over an Infinite Alphabet.- Nonmonotonic Logics and Their Algebraic Foundations.- Contributions.- Semi-continuous Sized Types and Termination.- Visibly Pushdown Automata: From Language Equivalence to Simulation and Bisimulation.- A Finite Semantics of Simply-Typed Lambda Terms for Infinite Runs of Automata.- The Power of Linear Functions.- Logical Omniscience Via Proof Complexity.- Verification of Ptime Reducibility for System F Terms Via Dual Light Affine Logic.- MSO Queries on Tree Decomposable Structures Are Computable with Linear Delay.- Abstracting Allocation.- Collapsibility in Infinite-Domain Quantified Constraint Satisfaction.- Towards an Implicit Characterization of NC k .- On Rational Trees.- Reasoning About States of Probabilistic Sequential Programs.- Concurrent Games with Tail Objectives.- Nash Equilibrium for Upward-Closed Objectives.- Algorithms for Omega-Regular Games with Imperfect Information.- Relating Two Standard Notions of Secrecy.- Jump from Parallel to Sequential Proofs: Multiplicatives.- First-Order Queries over One Unary Function.- Infinite State Model-Checking of Propositional Dynamic Logics.- Weak Bisimulation Approximants.- Complete Problems for Higher Order Logics.- Solving Games Without Determinization.- Game Quantification on Automatic Structures and Hierarchical Model Checking Games.- An Algebraic Point of View on the Crane Beach Property.- A Sequent Calculus for Type Theory.- Universality Results for Models in Locally Boolean Domains.- Universal Structures and the Logic of Forbidden Patterns.- On the Expressive Power ofGraph Logic.- Hoare Logic in the Abstract.- Normalization of IZF with Replacement.- Acyclicity and Coherence in Multiplicative Exponential Linear Logic.- Church Synthesis Problem with Parameters.- Decidable Theories of the Ordering of Natural Numbers with Unary Predicates.- Separation Logic for Higher-Order Store.- Satisfiability and Finite Model Property for the Alternating-Time ?-Calculus.- Space-Efficient Computation by Interaction.- The Ackermann Award 2006.
Weitere Informationen:
Zoltán Ésik
Springer Berlin
Weitere Suchbegriffe: allgemeine Informatikbücher - englischsprachig, bücher für datenbanken - englischsprachig, Informatik, Logik, Philosophie / Logik, Mathematik / Logik, AI logics, Action, Constraint, classical logic, complexity, computational logic, finite models
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