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Operations Research Proceedings 1998

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     Springer Verlag
allgemeine Technikbücher
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allgemeine technikbücher
Challenges for Operations Research as a Scientific Discipline at the Beginning of the 21st Century.- Combinatorial Online Optimization.- Oligopolies as Dynamic Games: A Computational Economics Perspective -- Invited Lecture --.- Application of Topological Degree Theory to Semi-Definite Complementarity Problem.- On the First-Order Estimation of Multipliers from Kuhn-Tucker Systems in Multiplier Methods Using Variable Reduction.- Properties of Some Convex Marginal Functions Without Constant Rank Regularity.- A Numerical Approach to Optimization w.r.t. Variable-Dependent Constraint-Indices.- Minimization of Maximal Torque of a Flywheel Robot.- A Phase-1-Algorithm for Interior-Point-Methods: Worst-Case and Average-Case Behaviour.- Towards a Unified Framework for Randomized Pivoting Algorithms in Linear Programming.- The Constrained Crossing Minimization Problem--A First Approach.- Sensitivity Analysis of the Bipartite Weighted Matching Problem.- Partitioning Cliques of Claw-Free Strongly Chordal Graphs.- Extreme Rays of the Cones of Subadditive Functions.- Flow Improvement and Network Flows with Fixed Costs.- Comparison of an Exact Branch-and-Bound and an Approximative Evolutionary Algorithm for the Probabilistic Traveling Salesman Problem.- A Genetic Algorithm with a Non-Binary Representation for the Set Covering Problem.- A Dynamical System Based Heuristic for a Class of Constrained Semi-Assignment Problems.- On the Mathematical Treatment of Pileproblems.- Mean Value Cross Decomposition Based Branch-and-Bound for Mixed Integer Programming Problems.- Building Reusable Software Components for Heuristic Search.- Ein verteilt-paralleles Tabu Search-Verfahren für Containerbeladeprobleme mit schwach heterogenem Kistenvorrat.- Computing Moments of the Exit Distribution forDiffusion Processes Using Linear Programming.- Recursive Direct Algorithms for Multistage Stochastic Programs in Financial Engineering.- MEPO, ein System zur effektiven parallelen Bearbeitung von Optimierungsaufgaben.- A Simulation Platform for Multiagent Systems in Logistics.- Nonlinear and Nonparametric Methods for Analyzing Financial Time Series --Invited Lecture--.- On Statistical Event-History Analysis and Its Application.- Detection of Compatible Turning-Points and Signal-Extraction of Non-Stationary Time Series.- Membership of Values to the Core for Average-Convex TU-Games.- A Cooperative Approach to Multiagent Incentive Problems.- Reputation under Imperfect Observability.- Dynamische Portfolio-Selektion in stetiger Zeit unter Berücksichtigung von Kurssprüngen.- Optionsbewertung mit Hilfe der genetischen Programmierung.- Recent Developments in Scheduling --Invited Lecture--.- Two-Stage Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem with Multiprocessor Tasks at the First Stage.- Ein working-forward Verfahren zur kostenorientierten Fließbandabtaktung.- Allocation Problem for Ecological Planning.- Challenges in a Liberalised Telecommunications Market --Invited Lecture--.- On Extended Models of Multicommodity Routing with Side Constraints on Paths.- Optimization of Transmitting Powers and Locations of Base Stations in Cellular Radio Communication Systems.- A Ring Network Design Problem.- Routenplanung für Gefahrguttransporte: Ein GIS-basierter Ansatz für die Ermittlung kosten- und risikoeffizienter Routen.- Das Groupage-Problem kooperierender Verkehrsträger.- Estimation of O/D Matrices from Traffic Counts: Theoretical Analysis and Simulation Experiments.- AHP-gestützte Evaluation von Verkehrsprojekten.- Ein Simulated-Annealing-Verfahren für das Standardproblem derTourenplanung mit Zeitfensterrestriktionen.- A Genetic Algorithm Approach to a Terminus Re-Scheduling Problem.- Pricing and Allocation of Rail Track Capacity.- Modelling ROTASTORE -- A Highly Parallel, Short Term Storage System.- Optimierung der Distributionsstruktur eines Schweizer Nahrungsmittelherstellers.- Locating a Robust Facility.- Pareto-Optimal and Compromise Decisions in Problem with Fuzzy Criteria.- Single-Machine Scheduling with Mixed Precedence Constraints.- Training of Large Three-Layer Perceptrons with the Neuro-Computer SYNAPSE.- Exact Algorithms for the Minimum-Cost Embeddings of Reliable Virtual Private Networks into Telecommunication Networks.- Author Index.
Weitere Informationen:
Peter Kall; Hans-Jakob Lüthi
Springer Berlin
Weitere Suchbegriffe: Algorithmen, Kommunikationssystem, Kommunikationssysteme, Operations Research, Optimierung, Programmierung, Scheduling, Simulation, Spieltheorie, econometrics, evolutionäre Algorithmen
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