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Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing

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     Springer Verlag
Bücher für Datenbanken - englischsp...
Bücher zur Softwareentwicklung - en...
Datenbanken (Fachbücher)
Revisiting Graph Coloring Register Allocation: A Study of the Chaitin-Briggs and Callahan-Koblenz Algorithms.- Register Pressure in Software-Pipelined Loop Nests: Fast Computation and Impact on Architecture Design.- Manipulating MAXLIVE for Spill-Free Register Allocation.- Optimizing Packet Accesses for a Domain Specific Language on Network Processors.- Array Replication to Increase Parallelism in Applications Mapped to Configurable Architectures.- Generation of Control and Data Flow Graphs from Scheduled and Pipelined Assembly Code.- Applying Data Copy to Improve Memory Performance of General Array Computations.- A Cache-Conscious Profitability Model for Empirical Tuning of Loop Fusion.- Optimizing Matrix Multiplication with a Classifier Learning System.- A Language for the Compact Representation of Multiple Program Versions.- Efficient Computation of May-Happen-in-Parallel Information for Concurrent Java Programs.- Evaluating the Impact of Thread Escape Analysis on a Memory Consistency Model-Aware Compiler.- Concurrency Analysis for Parallel Programs with Textually Aligned Barriers.- Titanium Performance and Potential: An NPB Experimental Study.- Efficient Search-Space Pruning for Integrated Fusion and Tiling Transformations.- Automatic Measurement of Instruction Cache Capacity.- Combined ILP and Register Tiling: Analytical Model and Optimization Framework.- Analytic Models and Empirical Search: A Hybrid Approach to Code Optimization.- Testing Speculative Work in a Lazy/Eager Parallel Functional Language.- Loop Selection for Thread-Level Speculation.- Software Thread Level Speculation for the Java Language and Virtual Machine Environment.- Lightweight Monitoring of the Progress of Remotely Executing Computations.- Using Platform-Specific Performance Counters for Dynamic Compilation.- A Domain-Specific Interpreter for Parallelizing a Large Mixed-Language Visualisation Application.- Compiler Control Power Saving Scheme for Multi Core Processors.- Code Transformations for One-Pass Analysis.- Scalable Array SSA and Array Data Flow Analysis.- Interprocedural Symbolic Range Propagation for Optimizing Compilers.- Parallelization of Utility Programs Based on Behavior Phase Analysis.- A Systematic Approach to Model-Guided Empirical Search for Memory Hierarchy Optimization.- An Efficient Approach for Self-scheduling Parallel Loops on Multiprogrammed Parallel Computers.- Dynamic Compilation for Reducing Energy Consumption of I/O-Intensive Applications.- Supporting SELL for High-Performance Computing.- Compiler Supports and Optimizations for PAC VLIW DSP Processors.
Weitere Informationen:
Eduard Ayguadé; Gerald Baumgartner; J. Ramanujam; P. Sadayappan
Springer Berlin
Weitere Suchbegriffe: Softwareentwicklung (Fachbücher), Softwareentwicklungsbücher, bücher für datenbanken - englischsprachig, Compiler, Übersetzer (EDV), Programmieren (EDV) / Parallel, Java, Monitor, Scheduling, Scheme, algorithm, algorithms, compiler optimization, compilers
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