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Membrane Transport in Plants

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     Springer Verlag
Biologiebücher - englischsprachig
biologie bücher
Session 1 Thermodynamics and Electrochemistry of Membrane Transport.- Permeation through Ion-Exchange Membranes.- Transport Processes across Membranes with Narrow Pores.- Coupling of Mass Transfer and Chemical Reaction across an Asymmetric Sandwich Membrane.- Multiple Steady States in a Reaction-Diffusion Coupled System.- On the Problem of Nonstationary Ion Fluxes.- The Influence of Double Layer Effects on Chemical Reactions at Charged Interfaces.- Round Table Discussion 1.- Session 2 Water Transport and Osmotic Processes.- A Study of Transcellular Osmosis and the Kinetics of Swelling and Shrinking in Cells of Chara corallina.- Hydraulic Conductivity and Volumetric Elastic Modulus in Giant Algal Cells: Pressure-and Volume-Dependence.- Turgor Pressure Regulation in Algal Cells: Pressure-Dependence of Electrical Parameters of the Membrane in Large Pressure Ranges.- Turgor Pressure Regulation: Modulation of Active Potassium Transport by Hydrostatic Pressure Gradients.- The Location and Measurement of the Resistances to Bulk Water Movement in the Shoots of Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis).- Osmoregulation in Ochromonas.- Osmoregulation Mechanism in the Halophilic Alga Dunaliella parva.- The Role of Malic Acid Fluxes in Regulation of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM): Osmoregulation of Efflux at the Tonoplast.- Round Table Discussion 2.- Session 3 Electrical Properties of Membranes.- Proton Pumping and Generalized Energetics of Transport: A Review.- Light-Dependent Changes of Membrane Potential and Conductance in Riccia fluitans.- Changes in Transport Determining Electrical Parameters of Cell and Chloroplast Membranes Associated with Primary and Associated Photosynthetic Reactions.- Current-Voltage Relationship of the Electrogenic Pump in Acetabularia mediterranea.- Preliminary Results of an Approach to the Quantitative Description of the Action of Light on the Membrane Potential of Nitella.- Dielectric Breakdown of Cell Membranes.- The Effect of pH on the Low Frequency Capacitance of the Membranes of Chara corallina.- Round Table Discussion 3.- Session 4 Solute Transport in Algae and Cellsuspension Cultures.- Time Course of Chloride Fluxes in Hydrodictyon africanum during Alternating Light and Darkness.- Chloride Transport to the Charophyte Vacuole.- NH3 Efflux as a Means for Measuring H+ Extrusion in Nitella.- Light-Dependent Ion Fluxes in Mougeotia: Control by Photosynthesis, not by Phytochrome.- Carbonic Anhydrase and the Driving Force of Light-Dependent Uptake of Cl- and HCO3- by Scenedesmus.- Photoinduced Changes in Electrical Potentials and H+ Activities of the Chloroplast, Cytoplasm, and Vacuole of Phaeoceros laevis.- Active Hexose Transport in Chlorella vulgaris.- Proton Movement Associated with Hexose Transport in Chlorella vulgaris.- Carrier Turnover and Phosphate Uptake in Chlorella pyrenoidosa.- Phosphate Uptake and Photophosphorylation in the Blue-Green Alga Anacystis nidulans.- Transcellular Currents and Ion Fluxes through Developing Fucoid Eggs.- A Shock Effect on the Permeability to Sulphate of Acer pseudoplatanus Cell-Suspension Cultures.- Importance of the Cell Wall in the Thermodynamic Equilibrium of Ions in Free Cells of Acer pseudoplatanus, L..- Round Table Discussion 4.- Session 5 Transport in Isolated Chloroplasts.- Proton Transport and its Relation to Energy Conservation in Isolated Chloroplasts.- Proton Transport and the High-Energy State in Isolated Chloroplasts.- Structural Aspects of the Electrochemical Generator in Photosynthesis of Green Plants.- Variable Chlorophyll Fluorescence Reflects Cation Transfer across Thylakoid Membranes.- Ionic Regulation in Chloroplasts as Monitored by Prompt and Delayed Chlorophyll Fluorescence.- Chloroplast Reflection Coefficients: Influence of Partition Coefficients, Carriers, and Membrane Phase Transitions.- Round Table Discussion 5.- Session 6 ATPases and Transport.- Cation Sensitivity of the Plasma Membrane ATPase of Oat Roots.- Ion Fluxes and Ion-Stimulated ATPase Activities.- On the Reversible ATPase of Plant Mitochondria.- Effects of Divalent Cations and Oligomycin on Membrane ATPases from Roots of Wheat and Oat in Relation to Salt Status and Cultivation.- Session 7 Kinetics of Transport.- Uptake of Sulphate by Barley Roots: Separate Sites for Uptake and Phase Transitions.- Influx Isotherms -- their Interpretation and Use.- Multiphasic Amino Acid Transport in Leaf Cells.- The Cellular Electropotential Isotherm as Related to the Kinetic K+ Absorption Isotherm in Low-salt Barley Roots.- Round Table Discussion 6 and 7.- Session 8 Transport in Organs of Higher Plants.- Co-Operation of Organs in Intact Higher Plants: A Review.- Ultrastructure and Ion Localization in Xylem Parenchyma Cells of Roots.- What Do We Know about the Function of Plasmodesmata in Transcellular Transport?.- H+ Fluxes, Cytoplasmic pH and the Control of Salt Accumulation in Plants.- Measurement of Intracellular pH in Roots Using a H+ Sensitive Microelectrode.- Effect of Abscisic Acid on Fluxes of Ions in Barley Roots.- The Effect of Inhibitors on the K+-Dependent Na+ Efflux and the K+-Na+ Selectivity of Barley Roots.- Potassium Uptake with Respect to Cation-Anion Balance in Pea Epicotyl Segments.- Heavy Metals and Sulphhydryl Reagents as Probes of Ion Uptake in Pea Stem.- Effect of Gas Partial Pressure on the Electrogenic Mechanism of Plant Cell Membranes.- Round TableDiscussion 8.- Session 9 Regulating Factors in Membrane Transport.- The Photomorphogenic Pigment Phytochrome: A Membrane Effector?.- Evidence for Binding of Phytochrome to Membranes.- Hormonal Control of Ion and Water Transport in the Excised Maize Root.- Modification of Phosphate Transport in Vicia faba by Boron Deficiency, Growth Regulators, and Metabolic Inhibitors.- Hormonal Regulation of Ion Transport in Parenchyma Tissue.- Auxin Transport and in vitro Auxin Binding.- Round Table Discussion 9.
Weitere Informationen:
U. Zimmermann; J. Dainty
Springer Berlin
Weitere Suchbegriffe: Darm; Dynamics; thermodynamics; water, Darm, Transport, dynamics, membrane, membrane transport, thermodynamics, water
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