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Knowing What's Enough

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     Books on Demand
Ratgeber Spiritualität
englischsprachige spirituelle Ratge...
spirituelle Ratgeber - englischspra...
One does not have to be a genius to recognize that we as a human species are on an almost unstoppable path to self-destruction in terms of our impact on the planet. CO2 concentration in the air has increased linearly without any interruption since at least 1960, despite the various pledges, commitments, and summits. I do not see regulation from countries to be the savior of our climate crisis. It will not be the supply side that will save us. Sustained change has to be rooted in the demand side of things. It is the citizens of countries and the world as such that have to change the way they look at success and happiness. As long as happiness equals more, bigger, faster, and higher without any limit, we will be unlikely to change our current trajectory. Unfortunately, the wealthiest citizens of planet Earth are not exactly a role model for contentment. Instead, it seems like the ultimate quest of wealth is to burn fossil fuels for space tourism. Only when we all individually come to realize first what is enough for our happiness can there be lasting change. Only when we are happy to say no to more, bigger and newer more frequently, will our resource impact on the planet slow down in a sustained fashion. To be clear, I am a keen believer in democracy and free market capitalism per se. I am far from pushing a socialistic, supply-constraining agenda and do not want to be misunderstood. This book is a humble contribution to helping hopefully a few people to realize the power of enough. Instead of looking at money as a maximization function, the book considers money as a mere limiter to what one can do at any given point in time. Like health, it is not a goal in and of itself, but a constraint. Happiness will come from other drivers intrinsically linked to human nature. Who knows, maybe the book will lead to a few tons less CO2 being produced. By now, it is all about marginal gains in the future!
Weitere Informationen:
Joerg Biebernick
BoD - Books on Demand
Weitere Suchbegriffe: ratgeber spiritualität, contentment; meaning, Happiness, contentment, meaning, enough
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