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Ratgeber Gesundheit
Gesundheitsratgeber - englischsprac...
englischsprachige Gesundheitsratgeb...
Bioregulational Background of the Effect of Body-Waves and Nutrition Advices Resource management is essential for the practical salute-genesis and the regulation medicine, as thereby damaged health conditions can be transferred into new processes by sophisticated means in- between the determinants health and decease. On the one hand steadily stages of development are available which can differentiate to health stages. On the other hand there exists increasingly more evidence of decease patterns of therapy indicating semeiotics in a considerably larger differentiation potential as initially assumed. Our knowledge about the regulation of health- and decease stages is incomplete and equipped with barriers. Transcription factors regulate the expression at the end of signal-transductionpathways. The basis of these pathways, and therefore of fundamental relevance for the communication of micro milieu biology, are interactions. The itemization of these actions displays the necessary requirement for the differentiation. It is indeed needful to consult analogs in order to get from linear actions to complex pattern detections. An analog out of biology here serves as an introducing example: Weismann brings into service of agriculture his Barrier-Theory whilerecommending one-way-signals for marking diversified bio-seeds. (Black et al. 2006) As isgenerally known the most popular theorist of evolution next to Darwin, August Weismann 1876, describes the development of transmutation (Change Of The Species) along the way of direct impact of exterior living condition: "Observing each variety as a reaction of the organism due to exterior impact as a deviation of the inherited development direction, the reason of this is, that without any change of environment there could not have occurred any development of organic patterns. This ,,Weismann- Barrier" even today is a global basis for the hybrid of several cultivated forms of crop plants. (Ebert, A.W. et al. 2007) Only the discovery and interpretation of the ,,Reverse Transcriptase" has brought doubts in the severity of the linear theory. The reverse transcriptase has first been described in 1970 independently from Howard Temin as well as from David Baltimore. In 1975 they obtained the Nobel Price for their discovery together with Renato Dulbecco. The name ,,reverse" here describes the special qualities of the enzyme to reverse the transcription process of DNA to RNA, which previously was seen as the only possible way.
Weitere Informationen:
Gerhard DDr.Lingg PhD
Weitere Suchbegriffe: ratgeber gesundheit, mHealth, HRV, Pulswave, Magnetic field
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